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I think I mentioned in a different post my friend who D. For three years or more her H told her yothat he was unhappy with certain things in the M and if they did not change he was leaving. Hes trying to help but his analysis is simply incorrect. In the intimacy area, she would offer well, if youre good, maybe we will have booty tonite. He would jokingly complain about turning 50 but he still looked good for his age. Around two weeks after he gave me that ring, he was standing by the fireplace with a glass of wine and I was cooking dinner. And yes the lovely holidays are just around the corner. I didnt understand why I should walk away after 15 years with no effort which seemed to be her instruction to me. It does t work like that. I had one while I was getting my hair cut this morning. So unfairpainful. Your H would not. In those key moments I never imagined there would be any sort of negotiation later. I always wear sunnies as I find planes very emotional have cried through countless takeoffs in my life. they cant reconcile his actions with who they thought he was. Good friends through college and then dating as seniors in college. If things were great and we are hot or nice or a great whatever, then why did our spouse turn into a CS? The more I think about it, the more I feel OW was an Exit A to cement his leaving but may not be the actual and ultimate replacement of me, however that does not mean there wont be a replacement coming soon. financial incompatibility (money disagreements) substance abuse. He is deflectingeffectively gave no concessions as to Hs cheating. I cant imagine wanting to be in any relationship again, thinking this might even be a possibility. Saying no to the spoiled child. Hope all is well. Only in this case it is possible to forget about such a phobia, like the runaway bride syndrome. Maybe not. I was feeling that I might be putting too much pressure on the gorgeous TryingHard, ShiftingImpressions and TheFirstWife, all of whom have being helping me enormously on here. Sorry but cheater logic simply pisses me off!! I was so unhappy crap that has been keeping me awake. Why does he want to kill himself when he can finally have an out in the open relationship with Schmoopie, akd The Queen of Sheeba? A lot ensued during that trip A LOT enough so that on my drive home is when my anger came like a volcano. I took a sleeping pill last night but it only got me 4 and a half hours. I think you have that as part of your unique challenge an A ruins a M but can kill your business and financially ruin you as well. They need to feel justified. It does fit right in with my new years resolution. The locks / codes to the property were changed after DDay 1 on the recommendation of my lawyer. Youre young and yes 15 years seems like a long time. It is hard to watch your H have one foot out the door but as we know now, we are powerless to stop it. Satori like Puzzled it was the full blame game. Please be careful here b/c I was in this limbo state with my H. He kept saying he wanted the M but his actions often would be contradictory. In March of 2017, I said to her: Angela, I love you, but Im not in love with you right now. I left out the part where I came to the office and confronted the OW. How do they keep up this level of delusion? MLC is NOT just about having an affair. Im not saying your marriage is over but hubby needs a wake up call. They were astounded my h had the one he had but he was an old family friend. How f**k can anything somehow justify an A? Its hard not to think about the labels (sociopath / BPD / NPD ? Stasis. We cooked together, went to the gym together, went on photo expeditions together, practiced our French together, skied together, went rock-climbing together, and hosted lavish parties in our home for upper management. I feels like Im getting there but it is a slow haul. It's important to know! He will move in with his girlfriend and have very little contact with the wife and the children. Everyone here is so kind to offer you constructive advice. He must police himself. It would help if I felt my H was truly remorseful rather than blaming me for the mess he created. Unfortunately business and tax stuff meant I had to sms and send emails. Stop engaging with a liar and cheater. They did hurt us and it never happens, or seldom, once. From I also remember one night I sat on my deck and simply sobbed my eyes out for an hour straight. The power is with you. thats when I came back and blew. Your spouse is a coward and instead of addressing issues head on, your spouse took the cowards way out. Its not gasoline its just water. I am so sorry for you that this is the outcome he chose. The wayward spouse knows the train is coming, the other person knows the train is coming, and the soon-to-be betrayed spouse is completely unaware. For example, in the Hollywood movie Runaway Bride, the main character, Maggie, ran away from under the aisle right out of the church. He did however ask me out for dinner tomorrow night instead. I know you two were together last night where is she. Im in a crisis mode with my personal life and marriage. I have seen the show Hoarders. I am going through my own hell, as you can read above, and I am a newbie to this stuff, but I will say that TryingHard, ShiftingImpressions are very wise. I still have to remember Know are in no way responsible for your husbands choices. Now that H is driving things, it is chaotic, and destructive and out of control. It sucks.It sucks. So today there was no more discussion of R or MC. When I asked him if he was willing to work on the marriage (my final time Im ever going to ask) he said: I even boarded up the windows and door to the basement with plywood! NC is hard. As I do with others who comment on the site. I did it twice and traveling alone is great for soul searching and putting into perspective you will be just fine without him! She could have just packed and left us and never looked back. I particularly dont trust women, which is really hard as Ive always been very pro-women, but my MIL and the OW and a couple of female friends recently have shown me a disloyal side to women. I was a sight!!! You have done EVERYTHING possible to help him. This A is a symptom. And I would give in. Everything, everything will be just fine and and everything, everything will be alright. I am now understanding that is a rookie mistake!! And he didnt fit the profile of a cheater other than keeping that damn phone attached to himself. Just proves you raised someone with core integrity and a strong set of values.You truly deserve a son like that because you yourself are clearly loyal! I dont know what to do. And that is going to be to my detriment. Thank you TFW. but his version at the time of the A was different. Also my H has left our home (elements of either Exit A or MLC A or Runaway H) so its got the detaching flight thing happening as well. By not self correcting, he was enabled firstly by this third party, and secondly by his own enabling family members and certain friends to do more damage to me psychologically than anyone in my life. We all want to help in any way we can. I already had an early MIL encounter early in the A (before Dday) and my MIL said to me; You and I are very different Satori, Im a realist. No one would. He doesnt want to feel anything, he once told me he would wish he was dead if he got his feelings back. OW is driving everything, I can feel it. Even though you are working out your stuff in the process, much of what you say are wise words directed towards others just when they need them. The fist thing my husband said when he left was Im not or will I ever go to MC. What matters is they learn about themselves and what drove them to make such bad choices, over and over and over again. I totally relate to your story. The words just jump out at me. But I do know its very much crunch time. H should be rocking in full of confidence and swagger now that he has a new woman and new life etc. If I cant get any sign(s) that hes willing to work on our M, then whats the point of me being agreeable? He is counting on knowing your next move and the more contact and dialogue you have, the more he knows what you are thinking. The long and the short of it is that every time I have confronted him or turned the tables, I have bit by bit gotten him to act a little more like his old self with me, and if anyone has an MLCer, you know how hard that is to get them to do. LOL. I know what youre feeling being gone. I know this is a shocker but people lie to make themselves look better. He almost brushed it off. Thought I should let them know he was unwell. It is as much emotional for me as physical it is making love. He sounds like he is in a place that he doesnt know which end is up. To hell with her. When he refused to go to MC that was pre-DDay1. Unfortunately there are no clear answers. I applaud your sons loyalty. It is interesting how different we all are but yet our stories & ecperiences are so much alike. Regardless if he wants to R, it wont change the outcome now. So thankful! I just hope you feel you are doing the best thing for your situation and handling it well. I set them both straight about that. We were planning our own future together and wedding. Your H seems to have cracked quite early (3 weeks) dafter DDay. TYPICAL cheater behavior / blame everyone else. I look forward to laughing about it one day but now its a hell I have to keep going through. If you do R, your marriage will be different. (It has since stopped and I get 100% transpatency on where he is and all work dinners he is home by 9 pm his doing not mine). If he thinks he can manipulate you and your M he will. I wanted to convey that this stuff is life changing and we will do things we NEVER imagined we were capable of. Keep breathing and focus on you. Satori indeed in my pajamas. Satori Keep breathing and KNOW you got this. Taking it day by day, or more accurately minute by minute. Im a big girl, I dont really care what they think. I just called my husband to come home after telling him what I found..I was scary calm. This one seems to be going according to the Cheaters Manual unfortunately. But there is going to be an end to the pain just not as soon as we want it. Its very hurtful. And no business can risk having an uninterested party involved for a year. Its not renege. I have been thinking more about our discussion. ???????? It has been a rugged couple of days. And her coming over today was covered in suspect motives, to cover up for her duplicitousness, and create the false narrative that she was in the dark too. Did I want to live or did I want to die? He knows hes being an asshole and being an asshole is hard to accept for cheaters. Seriously, just give it a miss. And he has refused all of it. I wasnt any of those things. I can only tell you my personal experience. No one has any way of knowing. today I am panicking because tonight we are meeting two other couples for dinner. There WAS something. Thats why GoldenCHild was AOK in our books to deceive Satori on every imaginable level as he would have been unable to deal with her otherwise. You got this. 2. He deleted again (in front of me). He is seeing how will HIS life work b/c he has not only damaged his relationship with you BUT now he has damaged all the in-law relationships too. So we decided to set aside one hour a week to talk about issues.I had to fight for that hour every damn time. He knew because HIS lawyer confirmed MY lawyer was like a rabid dog!! Things changed DDay2 (for me). Who knows with the trip + treatment I may be able to turn a corner. So classic mid life crisis. you cannot be his doormat nor his keeper. Leave it in his court. You will want to, but dont. Forget about the narrative h puked up to his family. And really did you honestly expect anything different from them? It hurt like hell. My wife would never cheat on me. They keep the secret conversations, the secret texts, the secret jokes, sitting in the same room us and secretly messaging the AP. Youve thrown him a rope but its his responsibility to climb out. Would I actually have an open marriage? Vikki reports that she had no warning. Drug talk,huhyup, you cant make this stuff up. I heard not sure I want to be married. his own parents are like mosquitoes in his ear. I called my son and by now the sun was just coming up. Its a cowards move. The A makes no sense. And we all understand the emotional impact/trauma you are going through. 5. Like, um, do you think he needed a hobby or something??? Unfortunately that gave him just enough time to destroy the emails before I had a better chance to look at them better.that just made me so mad!!! Yes. Personal issues which will accordingly be handed over entirely to H to instigate and follow through with IC (for H) / MC (for us both) / whatever (holiday / finding new place to live) R will only be on the table once the docs are signed and those things are in place. Business is a company. Just goes to show you his warped thought process during the A. And financially I have protected myself so I have my own $ and he cannot touch it. We tried to have a discussion about communication issues but he will not bear any part in it, just wants to say its all my fault / problem. As I experienced it before, grief is circular, not linear. Because even we love them and we want the marriage to continue, they know they have done such awful things to us that they cannot believe we can still love them. So I confronted him and said choose. My H wishes he had done the same. Seeing that same anger and rage in others going though this nightmare was validating and comforting in some strange way. It is usually that woman or man who is well-respected and admired in the communityand often that person who seems to have the perfect life and family. No one is worth it. In the end I guess you remember the beginning, but the warmth and golden light that he had in his eyes when we got together is no longer there. David went with his parents to see her; she was at her mother's house and refused to open the door. My Dad was shocked I think. I look back and know that shed checked out on me in early 2015. When they took me away, you were on my mind. Trying Hard is always one of the first ones to show support and care, albeit that she does it differently than I do. The worst part is he keeps making them. I would literally wake up in the middle of the night with my heart racing as though I were running. One of my friends suggested this will pass when his exams are over and I think she is right, but they are just reliving the awful parts of their childhood and trying to do it over again. He speaks to my heart. You are between a rock and a hard place. But she wasnt going to tell me anything. Basically the second he was out the door, he was 100% done, no explanation given no interest nor regard for me or my wellbeing just nothing. Lol. Right for me and right if I intended to go forward in my marital relationship with my husband. Thats good. I was contributing to our home and finances by doing it myself. It seems (according to my friends who have them), like how mother might be in a kind of power struggle with a teenage son who is starting to pull away. ! Oh boy. Unlike you Puzzled, my H has no EQ. This was and is the one safe place where we could pour that grief out. Theres a big difference between being an asshole and assertive. Try to get his words in writing i.e. A saying that I lived by for 18 months waiting for my wife to get her head out of her backside: We have to give up the future I planned in order to build the one that awaits. On the deeper level, it throws my world view off: was H always this person but I didnt see it? Indeed I saw the same red flags of non action. In a word - to grow. Smart girl. Especially not when we are putting on our big girl and big boy panties gearing up for war. Im not sure but Im thinking NC. For me at least, laughter is the best medicine. She even claimed they hadnt spoken about it with my H even though he is now having dinner over there all the time. Everything you say he has said to me!! ", "Wilbanks gets 2 years' probation, plus community service" - CNN article, June 3, 2005, So I had to detach. There was a distance and coldness that beat me down every night. ! I mean it was such an un-filtered moment by me, it sort of came out before Id thought it through but then H cracked up laughing and so did I. I was doubled over in the kitchen laughing / crying. Be forgiving of yourself and go outside and enjoy the simple things. She is so early in this process and I know that she will have many tough times ahead. We have all been dealt the brutal blow of infidelity obviously some stories are worse than others. Oh wow, that is intense. It makes everyone feel unsafe when they see deception and abuse perpetrated on another by someone they would never have imagined could be capable of that. 5 Subtle Signs of Unprocessed Attachment Trauma, The 10 Best Predictors of a Bad Romantic Relationship, Feeling Stuck? They knew that their mother had done something but never knew exactly. She is still involved with the other man.what else do you really need to know? Youve got a ton going for you!! Did you feel he was committed to R or was it a kind of kicking and screaming to R. So many questions! You start taking care of YOU not him. I was taken aback. But the possibility of doing the hard, vulnerable work of deep reconciliation, is very small, in these situations. It is necessary to distinguish between the runaway bride syndrome and the girl's fears about the wedding.The latter are simply referred to as "bride syndrome" and characterize an absolutely normal state of excitement before marriage. I dont think it is too soon to present the D option. Thanks ladies. You can control how you act, feel, talk, communicate in your relationship. But he had just ended the A the same day so it was his idea to stay M but I dont know if it was going to be he was just there or he really wanted it. Even the drama is new too, as, like your situation, our life was pretty chilled. He is cheating on you and leaves you and he accuses YOU of fucking HIM over. I sat there yesterday and listened to him prevaricating, like a mantra these words floated in to my mind: I need to be freeI need to be free. She was worried that he should make sure to get that stupid gold bracelet shed given to him for his birthday 14 years ago which he never wore!!!! Yes she does need prayer. What kind of holiday is this? I pointed out to him how could I ever truly believe he wants R (as we were discussing) if he cant even commit to a dinner with his W on a Saturday night. Wish I was joking. And in it try to answer to yourself with whom it will be better in this distant. unfortunately he doesnt see it, want it or acknowledge it. [9] Wilbanks and Mason's original wedding was to have had 600 guests and 28 bridesmaids. What has helped me with my anxiety is prayer and giving my burdens, my need for control to God. Forewarned forearmed right! To all that I say take that Golden SOB for as much as you can!! Let us consider the psychology of the actions of escaped brides and grooms in more detail. Sometimes I feel it. TryingHard, once again your crystal ball is working a treat!! This world tells us to seek vindication and justice but forgiveness is the only way to true peace. Im trying to communicate there are serious issues here. A hike, a walk anything out of the house. The 2 siblings sneak off in the dead of night only to run into a Texas Ranger sent to help them make their escape. Wants to kill himself. I find it so unfathomable that you can be married and at the end of 15 years you still want or need to please / fit in with what your parents think more than your wife!! Its all a smokescreen to hide their betrayal. With Tenor, maker of GIF Keyboard, add popular Runaway Bride animated GIFs to your conversations. Im going to take your approach as my personal program and put the focus back onto me. How dare he trash the magic of us, and all that was precious then say he doesnt want to save the M as HE did too much damage! I have also been looking at the subtle changes to your relationships that occurs when you tell people the truth about what youre going through. Exactly what do you think is going on for me? Infidelity and the consequences of it are, to me, the death of that marriage. He sure didnt learn HIS lesson and neither did I. I guess with age does come wisdom. You will heal. Well.he immediately went into R mode and did everything possible to change him, our M etc. I got a hug that had about as much warmth as a shipping container. My great, great-grandmother never told a soul what she did all of those years with her lover the steamboat captain. So which is it??? Youd think Id have been angry or sad or even smug at my retribution if that night. Please continue to take care of yourself. We dont have kids so there is no additional pull. I doubt it. Crickets. With my H and his nice text, the door was also left open. The above considerations can be encapsulated in the following statement that a lover might express: "Darling, let us get married; but if you have second thoughts about it, please let me know at least three days before the wedding, when the company arranging the wedding is still willing to refund 80 percent of our down payment. Ive got that anxious crap down pat. I also changed ALL his life insurance policies so I was the account holder. SI. As far as I know, he was cheating on me for at least 3 of our 10 years together. You are spot on about the misinformation. On every level, I cant believe H would do this to both our lives. That was smart of you.not giving her information. As to the problems in the marriage, these problems have now been professionally diagnosed. Culture is exactly opposite of this philosophy. Very similarly my H became someone I fid not recognize during the A. I dont quite frankly care if this thimble mind is a threat to themselves. No analysing The lawyer is very good, he is highly regarded by peers. Couples date night went ok. And when the OW tried to start up a third time he immediately showed me the email and never responded. Changing his mind every minute and me allowing him to do so. There was no premeditation to my actions. Either way after signing (or even if he doesnt) Im going to figure out a way to be NC at least for 3-4 weeks. That one is in need of a deep-brain psychological evaluation to determine if they are a threat to society. Its CS101. Who knows. And laughing is always good for any relationship IMO. H attempted to cancel our date at the last minute as he was wrecked from work. Grief is just so debilitating. And as hard as it can be, dont bring up R at all. Seriously? Im hoping there is a reason for all the madness that I just can;t see yet. That will take time to recover from and, sadly, I dont think my wife understands the damage she created. Im still not convinced its over for him. I had other plans for those. It is extremely timid girls (sometimes guys) who are most often afraid of registering a relationship. I cant say all the conversation was satisfactory. Theres no users manual for this affair crap. Its consequences can be the most sad. So, I am glad you have your dog to rely on. If the target is tricked into believing the FALSE narrative that this person is a vulnerable victim they are left suspecting that the manipulations, insults, transgressions and abuses they experienced CANT be real right? Richard. I was just standing in the way of his true happiness (heavy sarcasm). To heck with them. God help anyone who has gone through what I have. I cant go through the final disappointment over and over. Its sad funny how the CS seems to follow the same path down into the pit of an affair but pulling them back out is so different. But that is what is happening. He is such an emotional wreck. I was so concerned about not upsetting the little ones I had to push everything down for several hours. Maybe you and I should hang out and leave the cheaters to it. All the things you suggest are very true and helpful, but I guess some have to be in the time frame for the individual. I planned on suing the OW as well for Alienation of Affection. I was getting ready for work that next morning. He walked out of the bathroom and a few minutes later he called me into the kitchen. As the saying goes, it takes two to tango. He said he might go to IC. Im not going to let him. Indeed he is a very sad sausage . Actually to both him and her. And maybe with a different outlook and attitude. We all have the opportunity to say NO THIS IS WRONG! & walk away. But, on a positive note.I am reminded, how short life really is.. And that is a really good motivator to continue the journey of forgiveness and healing. Self worth was one part but not the whole picture. Youve let him know your intentions. Forgiveness is for you to heal and move forward. Stay strong and take care of you. I look at this situation (that H has singlehandedly created) and thought, I could be here in another ten years would I want to give him any more of me and he would cheat again and I would end up in the same position? Lots and lots and lots of discussion. And I think you know who and probably have a good idea why. Im guessing things arent as rosy for him as he hoed when he moved out. It could end in divorce or in reconciliation. More than that Im despairing. That is a serious litigation used against OW very successfully and people have been awarded millions. I think that is what H is now waking up to. Finally, I just said screw it and started living my life. And, Ive spent the last year and a half crying?????? Nope. Im silly like that. Please dont let one opinion stop you from posting. Its been close to four weeks since my last hectic post and Im healing slowly but surely. My casual meet up went exactly as you predicted. It was the fact that our counselor was peeling back the layers of lies and was about to expose her affair. Should walk away after 15 years with no effort which seemed to be an end to the cheaters Manual.. Obviously some stories are worse than others a week to talk about issues.I had to for... 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