john leary latest messages 2021la sombra de pedro sanaba estudio biblico

Even though the astronomers like to chart this star for its timing, I truly led the Magi by a miraculous star . Bless them on the forehead with this oil and pray some prayers with them., Jesus said: My son, you are fortunate to have Nilda help you set up the Zoom conferences every month. This is why Trump did not want you fighting in long drawn out wars with no benefit to winning. Eventually, I admitted My Divinity to the chief priest, and this is why they crucified Me for blasphemy, but I was really telling them the truth. If your lives are threatened by this threat against not taking the vaccine shot, then I will call you to My refuges where you will be protected by My angels. I multiplied the bread and fish for the 5,000 and the 4,000 people. This is done now at every Mass. I love all of you and I want you to love Me as well., Jesus said: My people, I know your Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade that supported abortion for all of America. The one who is anointing people on the forehead, and the one who is being blessed, both have to believe that I can heal this virus. This has been a part of your ministry in helping people prepare for the coming tribulation. Some Catholics could be truly saved by their life review, if they see how they have been ignoring Me for most of their lives and change their lives. With the institution of My sacrament of Baptism, now you had your original sin forgiven, and you were baptized into the faith in My Church and into the Communion of Saints. The Condon Committee disputed the legitimacy of the Tulli Papyrus stating, "Tulli was taken in and that the papyrus is a fake." Has latest news on the village. You can protect yourself from emf radiation using Blushield products at, Jesus said: My people, it is getting harder to buy a used home because the supply of homes for sale is decreasing. Even though it is difficult to change the blue state legislatures to stop abortion, you still need to pray for your mothers to stop having abortions. I know you have been told not to take this shot because it could ruin your immune system. When St. Thomas asked Me to show him the way, I said to him: I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. In other words if you want to know the way to heaven, all you need to do is follow Me in My sacraments. Your farmers are having trouble to find seed and fertilizer at a reasonable price in order to produce their crops. Give thanks to Me and Nilda for running these Zoom meetings., God the Father said: I Am is here to bless you faithful people and thank you for all of your prayers for your intentions. Jesus said: My people, it is unfortunate, but only bad news sells newspapers. When the authorities try to force you to take this shot against your will, it could be dangerous for your life. The First Seal of the Apocalypse has been opened. This will be mild compared to a new virus that will be released that could kill many vaccinated people. These Pharisees have brought many prophets to their deaths, and I would be treated in the same way. Without a vaccination ID tag you may be restricted from certain stores and events. Since restrictions vary from state to state, you will eventually see your government demand that everyone will need to get vaccinated. Only My believers with a cross on their foreheads will be allowed into My refuges. Keep remembering that you do not want to deny Me when sinful temptations come to you. Monday, January 9, 2023: (The Baptism of the Lord) Jesus said: "My people, I asked St. John the Baptist to baptize Me to institute My sacrament of Baptism with the Blessed Trinity of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. You are seeing several waves of strong rainstorms in California with high winds and many people were without power. These are addictive behaviors and these people need a personal decision to get off such addictions by treatment and a combination of prayers. Now I am the sacrificial Lamb who was offered on the cross for the salvation of mankind and for the forgiveness of your sins that I took on the cross. Trust in Me to protect you from all the harassment from the evil people. YOU HAVE ONLY 5 4 NOW 3 YEARS LEFT TO SAVE YOUR NATION! I gave My life to save your souls, so make your plans to attend My services to honor My death and Resurrection., Jesus said: My people, you have seen shutdowns in various states because of your increased Covid cases. It is true that the Lord was the center of my life, and I looked forward to Nocturnal Adoration every month. You can use your Good Friday oil to bless the vaccinated people with a cross of oil on their forehead. Just as I gave the parable of Me as the Vine, and you as the branches, so I want My faithful to bring forth the fruit of your good deeds and your attempt to share your faith with others. Tuesday, September 21, 2021 (St. Matthew) Jesus said: "My people, I called My apostles from all walks of life, even a tax collector who was hated because he collected taxes for the Romans from his people. Just your presence there can discourage some women from having an abortion. N.B. You can pour some of this oil in your little bottles and use it to pray over the people. The Gospel talks about fasting which is good for your body and your soul. It is possible you will never know the real answer because there are convenient coverups since this is a security problem in both events. Thursday, September 30, 2021: (St. Jerome) Jesus said: "My people, I came on the earth to fulfill the words of the law in the Scriptures. On December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, go to a church, if possible, for one full hour of prayer, otherwise, the prayer can be done at home. Irish culture and current affairs with the historical backstory that explains it all. I will bring My Warning, and the vaccinated people will be told to be converted to be saved. It gives your body a rest, and you feel in a better way to pray as well. Misa y Comunin, oraciones por la vida 3 rosarios, Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia,Read more , Tuesday, January 17, 2023: (St. Anthony of the Desert) My child do not despair for this is a time when the world will begin to share in the . This can be found by clicking on the Print Messages link under the Messages menu. The Wayne County Prosecutor's Office announced Wednesday that Sean William. Fr. embrass peerless catalogue. Late in 2021, the Democratic-controlled House also removed Rep. Paul A. Gosar (R-Ariz.) from all committees after he used official resources to create and post an animated video depicting the . It is Satan and his followers in the one world people who are constantly trying to find ways to reduce the population. Thank you for your prayers to me at all of your prayer meetings. I especially thank Joanie and those people who brought me to Mass to be with Jesus. Jesus said: My people, I call all of My faithful to follow in St. Pauls footsteps to evangelize people to the faith by your good example. Leary was accused of sexually abusing an adult freshman at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington whose job. Believe that they can be healed by My power, and it will happen. Soon you could see North Korea testing your new President with more serious missile tests that could endanger Japan and the islands in the Pacific Ocean. is not yet rated by Alexa. You all will have your reward for being faithful in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven., Jesus said: My people, you are seeing many different ways to reduce the worlds population with abortion, euthanasia, wars, viruses, and vaccines. This is causing home buyers to put premium bids in for purchasing a home, because there is so much demand for homes. You may be criticized or persecuted for telling people not to take the virus shots. In the Gospel I was focusing on the two Great Commandments of loving Me and loving your neighbor as yourselves. You my son, worked as a chemist for thirty-four years to support your family with three daughters. You will be seeing how the Democrats want total control over your people, and they will perpetuate this Covid crisis to try and force everyone to get vaccinated. Thursday, Jan 12th 2023 4AM 39F 7AM 40F 5-Day Forecast. Even birth control methods are preventing more live births. You will be protected by My angels and healed of any viruses at My refuges., Jesus said: My people, you have been faithful to your penances and extra prayers all during Lent, and I commend people for enduring this test of faith. You are seeing the beginning of how the left wants to control your freedoms of movement by forcing mandatory Covid vaccine ID tags as a necessity to enter your stores. 393 Highland Street, South Amboy, Middlesex County, NJ, 08879 is currently for sale for the price of $379,900 USD. My disciples did not fast while the Bridegroom was with them. I told the people that the Son of Man can forgive sins by virtue of the miracle of the paralytics healing. You saw in Germany under Hitler how they had book burning sessions to get rid of books against their narrative. Welcome to the messages section of the John Leary website. Most likely these votes were for Biden that came from foreign countries hacking into the Dominion machines in Michigan. I am a part of your life every day, and you center your life around the One who loves you. Other red states have passed laws against abortion which protects the unborn in those states. Trust in Me to provide for your food, even if I need to multiply what you have. You have made your preparations for sleeping, eating, and praying before My Host at your refuges. If your people do not rise up in revolt against these restrictions, you could lose your freedoms and allow the communists to take you over. Messages can also be printed from the web site in printer friendly format. I will give you a warning when you will need to prepare to receive My faithful for their protection. 17274. You need to assign people the various hours for them to pray before Me. Mufi Hannemann, president and CEO of the Hawai'i Lodging & Tourism Association, and . You remember when I asked My people to fast on Wednesdays and Fridays. After the Warning and the conversion time, I will call My people to My refuges where you will be healed of any viruses by looking on My luminous cross in the sky. So they would not bow to the King's golden statue. Leave quickly when I warn you, and My angels will protect you., Jesus said: My people, you have been given instructions on how to make your Good Friday oil at 3:00 a.m. on Good Friday. Stay true to both of your missions of preparing the people for the tribulation, and for setting up your own refuge. Then there was a man possessed by an evil spirit, and the evil spirit spoke out acknowledging that I was the Holy One of God. The Holy Spirit in a dove came over Me, and God the Father said: This is My Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased. St. John called out: (John 1:29) Behold the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world. In another passage: (John 4:30) He must increase, but I must decrease. This is true for all of you that you are called to be with Me, and I must increase in your life, and be more important than yourselves. By your faith in My miracles you will see Me multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival. Even those four people, who carried the man on his mat, had sincere faith in My healing as well. This service is needed to help heal the immune systems of the vaccinated people. Prayer Group: It is I, Jesus, who has said it., (St. Pius V) Jesus said: My people, St. Paul quotes the Second Psalm to you: My son, this day I have begotten you. You are My faithful pilgrims in this life and I am showing you the way to heaven through Me. This is treason at the highest level because China, Germany, and Italy added excess votes for Biden and this was never addressed in the courts. While he keeps a daily copy of messages he receives on paper, there may be some delay in them being posted on the website. To change your abortion laws you would need a Republican Legislature which would be difficult to change. During this special hour of grace, put away all distractions and concentrate on your union with God. Truly I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, so I can lead you to heaven., Jesus said: My son, you remember how your deceased friend, Lise, used this pilgrim Fatima statue to travel around to different houses. My child, there are many today within the walls of government that continue to eat the forbidden fruit. The vaccinated people could die from the next deadly virus attack. On the night of March 17 to 18, 2021, the Angel of the Lord (later I understood that it was Saint I will expand your refuges so more people could be protected at your refuge from the evil ones., Jesus said: My people, I have told you that I will give My faithful an inner locution when it is time to leave your homes within twenty minutes to come to My refuges. You can pray Saturday mornings in front of your Planned Parenthood building to stop abortions and counsel women to not have abortions. When your lives are in danger, I will call My people to the safety of My refuges., Jesus said: My people, there are hundreds of detention center death camps scattered all over your country that the one world people will be using to capture Christians and those resisting the Great Reset. everyone is there plot summary. Some areas in your country are seeing floods, while other areas are having droughts. You are not long for the possibility of being called to your refuge. Your Good Friday oil is your best way to heal the vaccinated people., Jesus said: My people, there are evil people who hate Me, and they want to remove all the books that quote My words in the Bible. Jesus said: My people, I love all of you so much and you are seeing in the vision how I will multiply My consecrated Hosts for My peopleRead more , Saturday, January 14, 2023: . More radiation from microwaves could cause more potential to get cancer. Robert Leary, 27, intimidated and harassed the woman for three months from December 2021 after downloading private images of her in a state of undress. 7th grade math benchmark test answers 2022 Jesus said: My people, in the first reading you read about the high priests like Aaron, and how the priests are called to be priestsRead more , Sunday, January 15, 2023: You will be coming to My refuges after the six weeks of conversion time., Thursday, May 6, 2021: I love the little babies and I pray to stop abortions. This was a big decision for the Early Church. A good number of people have had bad effects from taking this vaccine, and 5% of those, who had bad symptoms, have died. Jesus said: My people, in todays reading you are seeing My betrayal from Judas. You also will be tested for belief in Me because the evil people hate Me because they are led by Satan. At My refuges you will be healed of any virus, and My angels will protect you with a shield of invisibility from the evil ones who want to kill you. Some people are busing these illegal immigrants to all kinds of communities, and they will be causing problems wherever they are sent. Keep praying to stop your abortions, and keep praying before your Planned Parenthood to counsel the women to have their babies and avoid abortions., Jesus said: My people, it is getting harder for your people to grow enough food for everyone in your country. It is unclear if you can replace the weapons you are sending. The shots will change your immune system, and your DNA will keep making the spike protein that will cause unvaccinated people to get sick. This is why you have some years of plenty and other years when food is scarce. Jesus said: My people, when St. Paul showed a letter on what the Church agreed on, the Gentile converts were happy that they were not obligated to get circumcised. This is a holy chapel and you may feel My very Presence. Now that you are healed of your sickness, you are full of joy to have good health again. If the authorities try to mandate taking the virus shots, then you can call on Me, and I will have My angels cover you with an invisible shield at My refuges. Your industrial defense complex is making millions of dollars making these weapons. Trust in Me at all times because you know I can do the impossible., Jesus said: My people, you have been given a false reason to send so much money and military equipment to a corrupt dictator in a foreign country as the Ukraine. During the six weeks of conversion, My faithful will be working hard to help save the lukewarm souls. 4. Rejoice in the Epiphany of My Kingship, but even My faithful will need to seek hiding at My refuges from those evil ones who hate Christians who adore Me. This was the beginning of My public ministry when I started calling My apostles to follow Me. You say you are My disciple, but you need to show Me you are sincere by your good actions in your everyday life. This means of control using vaccines, is the beginning of a communist takeover., Tuesday, March 30, 2021: You all have been given your guardian angel to watch over you, and your angel urges you to lead a holy life of prayer and obedience to Me and My Commandments. Jesus said: My people, you are seeing the priest dressed in green vestments as you start the first week of Ordinary time. ducation, Actualits et Politique. It is good to see our family expanding with Aiden and Emma. This is a mystery for man to try and understand how I can be a man and the Son of God at the same time. Jesus said: My people, in the first reading you read about the high priests like Aaron, and how the priests are called to be priests forever according to the order of Melchizedek. It is now the blue states that are passing more abortion laws that will even pay for abortions from the red states. I walked on water, and I calmed the stormy sea. It seems that John Leary content is notably popular in Germany, as 69.3% of all users (6.8K visits per month) come from this country. She is resting and able to walk with some pain from the operation. It will be every sinners free will choice to be with Me or against Me. Keep praying for all family members to do the right things in their lives., Friday, January 13, 2023: (St. Hilary) Jesus said: My people, in the Gospel I told you that I came to forgive and heal sinners and not the self-righteous. You need to have three months of food stored for each member of your family to be prepared for some global food shortages. It was appropriate tonight to honor My Blessed Mother in her month of May with your rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. Those people, who do not get off such drugs, could ruin their whole lives. My followers will also have to suffer persecution from the earthly people who hate Me. 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